Don't waste your life helping those who don't want your help. Don't throw your pearl to the swine in other words, especially on those who discard you and do not respect you or your God.  These are bold, vile, wicked sinners who sit in the seat of the scornful and persecute those who preach the gospel.  They are impudent.  They hate and despise instruction.   Your time is precious.  It would be lost time. Move on.  Leave them in God's hands and pray for them to be saved, healed, and delivered but you walk on with Jesus. 

In Matthew's gospel, it says:

"Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you." (Matthew 7:6, NTL).

Moreover, they are not too far gone.  There is always hope. Look at Paul the apostle, once a religious Pharisee and persecutor of the Christian church until he encountered Jesus, the resurrected Lord on the road to Damascus.  He was on his way to imprison Christians and was "breathing out murderous threats" (See Acts 9).   The church was praying 🙏.   Amazing!  He went from being the worst of sinners to then converting to Christianity (the very community he hated) to becoming a beloved apostle of Christ, and who suffered much for the gospel.  

God will divinely intervene if we get out of the way. Be still.  Let go and let God (see Psalm 46). God loves them even more than you, so he can break in.  He is the God of the breakthrough!

God will do what he promised.  He will rescue. He will do a miracle.

You can't cast a demon out of someone who wants to keep it anyway.   Addiction is another form of idol worship.  Especially when they want to sleep with it, eat with it, and pray to it.  Pray for their salvation and deliverance.  They need Jesus.  He is the only one who can save, heal, and deliver from this evil deception. Pray for your loved ones to see and understand something clearly at last in you.  Jesus is the light of the world:

"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12, ESV).

Instead, they strangely want the demon power, that Fowler, the devil who cruelly binds them up in a prison of fear, anxiety, and misery, and not God's power and love.  Comfortable with their sin when instead, they could experience God's power and love that heals and delivers and sets them free; that is spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Jesus gives us joy, peace, and love. Freedom from depression and mental anguish. Jesus had compassion for those afflicted by demonic powers.  Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Therefore, the Shalom of God is the peace and well-being of God. Wholeness and wellness and deep peace in your whole being.

Don't throw your pearls to the pigs!

Be careful.  Be wise. 

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all" (2 Thessalonians 3:16).

Peace ✌️ 



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