2024 The Year of the Open Door.

My Prophetic word for 2024.  The Year of the Open Door.

I am seeking God about 2024 and I believe it is about going through the open door prophetically speaking and our mouths having that prophetic revelation from God that will be key to taking our promised land for God as we speak it.  Our decrees will be the game changer as we come up higher to God, ascend to the throne room of God, and receive fresh revelation, prophetic insight, and fresh encounters with a holy God. He wants to give us His plans and strategy of what will happen, and what we should do, so we are not to focus on what the devil is doing.  God needs some wartime intercessors to bring God’s solution and miracles to that problem or crisis. We are to war at the gates and take out the strongman (it could be the gates of marriage, relationships, health, finances, and so on) so that the King of Glory can come in. There are 24 hours in the day.  There are also 24 elders around the throne of God who represent the mature men of faith, who represent the Christian church and have finished their race.  They fall down in worship casting their crowns before him.  The Hebrew word for four is arba and has to do with “creation of things made.”  God is making all things new rather than making new things. He is making that relationship new.  God wants to show you what must take place after this.

After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this (Revelation 4:1, NIV).

The fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is dalet and has the sound “d” as in a “door.”  What is behind the door?  It is open, not closed.  Doors that have been closed in the past season will fling open. Bolts on the doors that have been closed for years and are rusty will be moved by the anointing oil that is produced in prayer through the crushing of the olives in the last season. We don’t like the crushing, but it is the suffering, the breaking of your heart and the persecution you have endured in your garden of Gethsemane, where you die to self and the old ways so that the new life and the new anointing oil is brought forth. Delay is not denial.

The Hebrew letter dalet represents a poor person. It signifies that God is the benefactor who will bless the poor person this year.  He will open financial, and relational doors in 2024 for you and this will release miracle finances and support, and prosperity in ways you never thought of or dreamed of such as refunds, reimbursements, and realignments. I also believe 2024 is a year of divine restitution, restoring what was lost. He is revealing himself as Jehovah Jireh; it is the name of God as our provider. He is the God who will provide miraculously in the middle of an economic crisis as disaster will not come near you.  HE will meet your needs.  Therefore, you and I must go to God through heaven's open door into prophetic revelation to know what will take place to get the needed breakthrough.

What also comes to my mind about 2024 is Psalm 24 and going up the mountain with God from the valleys (and particularly the valley of the shadow of death) of Psalm 23.  He is with us in the valleys but now he wants to take you where He is.  Your victory is nigh.  It is a year of purification.  It is a year ascending into the third heaven where God is. Ascend into the third heaven, above the demonic chatter within the second heaven (demonic realm). The third heaven is where His glory will bring revelation, transformation, and transfiguration.

Therefore, go up the mountain with God into His glory. You will get the victory from the third heaven vantage point. You will win as you wage war from the third heaven. God is calling you up the mountain with him. Leave this world behind. I am separating you from the pack to be alone with me. I am taking you into my glory. My glory will be seen in you and on your life as you ascend the mountain of the Lord. Stand in my glory. Arise my beloved one, my beautiful one.  I have not forgotten you, my heart is aching and breaking and longing to be with you. I know you are weary and burned out with battling. Enough is enough now. No more engaging in the battle with the enemy in the second heaven where he wears out the saints. Do not engage with his evil game. Rest in me. Soar like the eagle. Come up higher my child, above the snake line and I will realign things in a chiropractic manner and fix what no man can fix. I will restore the years the locust has eaten. I will do the impossible that I promised! What has been locked up will be released and handed to you in 2024. This is the appointed time. Leave man's way behind for God's new way of living, in His holiness and glory where the air is fresh and vibrant and full of the healing and transforming presence and the power of God. Death has no hold on you. Your hands will be clean and your heart pure. I will establish the work of your hands. Your hands are healing hands dripping with His glory. I will work wonders and miracles through your hands, my chosen vessel of my glory.

Come up higher my daughter go through the double doors of glory and see. Let the King of Glory come in! God is beckoning you to ascend in the spirit realm in prayer. Go to your heavenly Father. Follow Jesus up the mountain!

Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?

Who may stand in his holy place?

The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,

who does not trust in an idol

Nor swear by a false god.

(Psalm 24:3-4, NIV)



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