Come away with me

Come away with me

Practicing solitude is not easy.  But we must go to the desert place with God. It is a spiritually dry place.  It is where we deal with our pain, anger, grief, etc.  Let it come to the surface.  Don't push it down.   Forgiveness is key to inner healing. Then the rivers of gentle healing will flow.  Into the wilderness with Jesus.  The mystics like John of the Cross, Henri Nouwen and St Francis of Assisi, and Brother Lawrence have much to teach us about the inner spiritual life and solitude. It is a place where it is just you and God.   There you will encounter yourself (flesh), the devil and his temptations, and finally you will encounter God.  It is a place of battle as Jesus did.  But it is also a place of great strength. You will come out in the power of the Holy Spirit just like Jesus.   It is a place of liberation and spiritual freedom.  God is reminding me of a life of prayer and solitude.   God is beckoning us to come away with him. I have lots of books by the desert mothers and fathers on my bookshelf from my younger days as a Christian as I used to come often to God in this secret place of prayer.  Get away from the distractions of the world my beloved.  Be silent.  No phone.  No scrolling. No TV. Sit quiet.  Connect with God.

God is calling us back to that quiet place of prayer with him amidst Babylon (the world) and this digital age we are in.  The devil is always seeking to distract you from God.  You may go on a prayer retreat or that quiet place in the morning before your business starts or before you must rush out to work. Wherever it is, get in prayer before you go.  It is a place of peace. You need Shalom, healing in the broken places. Deep peace. Jesus is your peace. Wholeness.  He will rescue you from the Lion's den. 

"Come away with me from Lebanon, my [promised] bride, May you come with me from Lebanon. Journey down from the top of Amana, From the summit of Senir and Hermon, From the dens of lions, From the mountains of leopards." (Song of Songs 4:8-12, AMPC). 

"Home is where you are truly safe.  It is where you can receive what you desire. You need human hands to hold you there, so you don't run away again.  But when you come home and stay home, you will find the love that will bring rest to your heart." (The Inner Voice of Love, Henri Nouwen).  

Jesus says you are the love of his life. 

It's not about running but resting in Him.  Slow down. Stop.  Listen to God's voice of love. What is he saying to you?

I see Jesus weeping with His eyes of love.  Looking and longing to heal the pain in your heart. My sister my bride he says. His teardrops are huge, dropping from heaven onto my battered soul.  Jesus wept over Lazarus and then raised him from the dead. Does your heart feel dead?  Jesus says look up.  He is the resurrection and the life. He will wipe away your tears.  He will raise you back to life.  The devil thought you were out for the count.  But Jesus is coming to rescue you. He will drive every demon out of the way to get to you. Then he will pick you up and carry you away to a safe place to heal. He says to your enemy, Leave her alone!  

Prayer: Jesus I am sorry for abandoning you and withdrawing from you in my pain and brokenness.  Draw me after you.

The olive crushing is painful but out of it comes your anointing oil from the Lord. It has healing for others in it. That devil is a bad old devil. He is mad that you are mine.  You are my beloved.  Chaste and pure as a rose. The betrayer (Satan) wants to have a dagger in your heart from the one you love.  Betrayals are like a sting of death. I know, I understand my beloved.  I am teaching you to love deeply.  I love your maturity. You are beautiful to me my darling. More beautiful than ever.  You take my breath away. You are my special one.  Walk on. Let me heal you with my healing balm of love.  
Love your enemies and forgive those who mistreat you. I am birthing a revolution of love in you!  I am bringing reformation through you. 

His banner over me is love ❤️ 



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