This is the story that no one wants to believe. When I first heard of this case of the nurse, Lucy Letby, killing babies, my first thoughts were, that she's done it but she does not look like a typical serial killer. Why? She lied to the police to cover up her crimes and I do remember thinking, it is in her eyes. Therefore, the blank stare and a total lack of empathy for the victims by lying and playing the victim herself were signs of her own psychopathy. From a Christian perspective, it is none other than demonic control or demon possession.

This Child sacrifice and murder is definitely Satanic in nature and is also mentioned in the Bible on numerous occasions as a sin. In the book of Leviticus, we read about God's punishment for this sin God frowns upon this absurd idolatry, abuse, and murder of children.

The Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites: ‘Any Israelite or any foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molek is to be put to death. The members of the community are to stone him. I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from his people; for by sacrificing his children to Molek, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name. ...
(Leviticus 20:1-3, NIV)

This sin had to be punished severely. They were to be put to death (stoned) by the community under the law of Moses, in the Old Covenant. Molek or Molech was a demonic deity and refers to a false Canaanite god in the Old Testament. This burning of children, that is sacrificing them in the fire to a dung-hill god, Molek was evidently devil worship. It dishonoured God, profaned his temple, His name and trampled on the honour and respect of human nature. Thus, they that practiced it were barbarous, and 'the worshippers were worse than the beasts that perish, perfectly stripped, not only of reason but of natural affection.' (See Mathew Henry's commentary). Therefore, the practice of child sacrifice to Molek was monstrous and inhumane.

The Bible strongly condemns the practices associated with Molek, practices which appear to be child sacrifice. These devils desired and delighted to bring misery and ruin to mankind. The punishment by God was severe as the Israelites were in danger of being drawn into it. The devil hates God and his creation and seeks to bring destruction and ruin to it. God hates this sin of child abuse and child sacrifice to Molek. We certainly see this here with the Letby case. There is nothing new under the sun. In light of the Lucy Letby trial and the crime that shocked the nation, I wanted to share these thoughts on it to expose the hidden, sinister demon power at work behind these crimes of murdering babies. It is a supernatural evil. It is not natural. It is contradictory to human nature because God created us for love. You shall not murder is also the sixth commandment. Thus, as a community, we must condemn these practices and not be complicit with them. Capital and public punishment was and still is necessary for such heinous crimes.

Furthermore, if the parents (or carers in this case) sacrificed their children to the malice of the devil, then the parents must be sacrificed to the justice of God. He is a god of true justice. God has given me eyes to see, that is to discern good and bad spirits. On Monday 21.08.23, the female nurse Lucy Letby (turned serial killer) was found guilty of killing seven babies in the Neo-Natal unit at Chester Hospital and the attempted murder of six others. She has received her lifelong sentence and will never get out of jail. I pray that she finds Jesus in prison and truly repents of this gross sin. Therefore, we can conclude, that the same ancient evil spirit 'Molek' is still in operation today. The devil on the ward.

It is truly horrifying and heartbreaking for the babies and all the families involved in this neo-natal murder case of seven babies and the attempted murder of six other babies - three sets of twins. Nurse Letby turned into a prolific serial baby killer looking after vulnerable babies. The job she loved? It is profoundly disturbing and sickening that she killed the babies in plain sight of the parents the nursing staff and the Consultants. It has honestly shocked the nation and breached people's trust in the NHS for sure. But Jesus came to heal the breach. What is even more mystical is the apparent cover-up by the NHS hospital management team and authorities involved in this murder case at the Countess of Chester Hospital. They protected her. Not good. They cared more about their reputation it seems than the babies they were supposed to be caring for. More babies were killed because of their lack of concern. Consequently, pressure is underway for the government to call a statutory inquiry into this case, which means that witnesses will be forced to give evidence as opposed to giving voluntary evidence and witness statements. I agree, they should. The CEO of the NHS trust also agrees.

The question still remains around the fact that she was allowed to get away with it for so long? That is between 2015 and 2016. This is because the NHS governing authority did not act swiftly enough on the allegations made against Letby by other colleagues and consultants working on that ward at that time which were about her being a baby killer. Why? A police investigation was eventually called in after the consultant staff had pushed the NHS authorities to do so. Thus, it took seven years to convict her and uncover crucial evidence of the poisoning of the babies, which was missed for two years by the junior medical team. This medical evidence was needed to convict her. She also hid handover notes at her home that revealed she was caring for them on the day they died of mystery collapses that she had caused. She has been found guilty of murdering seven babies and attempted murder of six and received a lifelong sentence in HMP prison in Lowe Newton, in Durham. There, she will spend the rest of her days and never get out and eventually will die in prison. How shocking it all is but I am so glad it has all been uncovered that it may not happen to other babies. People need to be held to account and face the consequences of their evil actions. Unfortunately, Letby did not face the families in court that day. The families she had broken, by killing their babies. Some were first-time parents. It is harrowing to read. Nor did she face the judge sentencing her. This cowardly act only added to the realisation of the sadistic nature of her murderous crimes and sent a chilling message to us all, that she did this and it is pure evil. She said her herself that she was evil. This was the devil in disguise on the baby ward as an unassuming nurse wearing the NHS mask. Therefore, the devil has been unmasked.

From a psychological perspective, a psychologist has spoken out in the papers and said that Letby definitely had psychopathic behavior patterns by the fact that she shows no empathy towards the victims or their families. She obviously had some mental health issues like depression and a lot of self-loathing in her scribbled notes. Her twisted psyche is revealed in those notes and she also plays the victim. The more babies she killed the worse she got.  It was as if she was elated and animated by the drama of it. She enjoyed the attention she got from creating this horrible drama and being the nurse on hand around the grieving parents and also bathing the dead babies. How sinister. Pretend to be your friend. But inside a demon lurks. They are your worst enemy masked. Typical of covert narcissists. She was always the first one there at the scene to seemingly comfort the grief-stricken parents, and make her look like a heroine in all this drama and not the killer. She must have wanted to get caught with scribbled notes that said things like, 'Help.' Hence the scrawled post-it notes of confession of self-hate and debasement.

Furthermore, she confesses the murders by saying that she 'did this.' It is about as close a confession as you will get I think. She is in two minds all the time in her scribbled notes. The Bible calls this being double-minded. On the one hand, she is obsessed with her own innocence. Her denial. Playing the victim. On the other hand, she writes that she did kill them and that she is 'evil.' Evil has definitely taken over her in this case.

Let us look at psychopathy.

What is a psychopathic person?

Psychopathy is characterized by an extreme lack of empathy. Psychopaths may also be manipulative, charming, and exploitative, and behave in an impulsive and risky manner. They may lack conscience or guilt and refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.

The online dictionary says:
a person affected by chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour.
A person affected by chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour"

I would also add to the mix her narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). They are manipulative, dishonest, and controlling. They have a grandiose sense of superiority about themselves. They are self-centered and lack empathy for others. She thought she was entitled to take these baby's lives away from the children and the parents. She had no right whatsoever. As one of the parents put plainly, she played God with their vulnerable babies' lives that had only just begun. Heartbreaking. She also inflicted great pain and suffering on the babies and on the parents in a sadistic and malevolent way. This evil-mindedness is revealed as she has shown no empathy. Only fake compassion. She is the epitome of what the bible says about the devil masquerading as an angel of light. She was all smiles and a seemingly lovely, friendly nurse to the poor grieving families and not your typical serial baby killer. Just goes to show, you cannot judge a book by its cover! Total deception. Pray for God to give you an eye to see and to discern.

In conclusion, the question still remains. What made an only child with loving parents and who was a qualified Nurse, with her own house and her two cats she adored, turn into a serial baby killer? Maybe she liked being the centre of attention as an only child and now sought it in the hospital. Her parents will not accept that she did it as they are in denial of the reality. They idolise her.  Not healthy.  This time she did not get away with murder. She is not your typical serial killer. Being a master manipulator, she was able to deceive the parents and the staff with her mousey demeanor of a 'nice Lucy.' Her enjoyment of seeing the babies and families suffer pain is truly sadistic as pointed out by the judge.

May she find peace with God in true repentance for her sin because we all must give an account to God who is the ultimate judge.

What about the seven dead babies?

Those babies that Lucy Letby killed went straight to heaven. They are with Jesus. That is comforting to know. How do I know? The Bible tells us that they were too young to make any choices, and those innocent children were murdered. God heard their cries. The angels took them to heaven.

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven (Matthew 18:10, NIV).

I ask God to send comfort to those parents who are grieving the loss of these children. Heal their hearts, dear Lord. Pour in your healing balm of Gilead. Bring true justice and compensation for the victims also that have survived this horrendous time. Heal those babies that have survived and reverse the curse of physical damage done to them by this nurse's cruelty. Lord be with each of the victims (babies and parents) and draw them closer to you. They will not be suffering now, they are happy now. The devil does not have the upper hand. Such a shame that their life was snuffed out by a callous nurse on duty. A bad nurse. Jesus will be holding those babies and helping them to grow up in heaven.

The investigation continues...


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