You shall not bring the wages of a prostitute or the price of a dog [that is, a male prostitute] into the house of the Lord your God as payment for any vow, for both of these [the gift and the giver] are utterly repulsive to the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 23:18, AMP)
In the Old Testament, the land of Israel must not be a shelter for uncleanness. A 'dog' in Hebrew is the word keleb meaning a dog or puppy. The term 'dog' is figuratively used here in the old testament to describe a male prostitute or a Sodomite. It is a derogatory name used to refer to things unclean, as dogs in Hebrew terms were regarded as unclean animals. False prophets and idolaters were also called dogs. The Gentiles (heathen nations, that is non-Israelites) were also referred to as dogs by the Jews because of their pagan sacrifices. This term could also be used to describe female cult prostitution too. It was a term used in contempt or abasement about what was unclean and therefore unholy. Paul also referred to the false teachers as 'dogs' in his letter to the Philippians and he cleverly inverts the Old Testament language about 'dogs' to mean the Jews. He warns them:
Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh (Philippians 3:2. NIV)
The Israelites were to be a holy nation, set apart for God. In the New Testament, it is no different, we are the temple of the Lord (his body or his church) and must not house uncleanness. There is so much promotion of prostitution these days, with sex workers advertising on websites how they made lots of money by prostituting their bodies. It is so sad that so many beautiful women especially, go down this path. I am on the path of the holiness of the Lord. I have been filled with his holy spirit. Therefore, a daughter of Israel cannot be a whore as it would be a reproach to the good stock they are of, the people they belong to, and the God they worship. What is whore? According to Miriam Webster's dictionary, 'it is a person who engages in sexual intercourse for pay.' In other words, a prostitute. To be a whore is bad in any nation but worst in God's holy nation, Israel. Being holy is being beautiful because God is holy. God is beautiful in His holiness. Praise God. The apostle Paul tells us explicitly:
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is within you, whom you have [received as a gift] from God, and that you are not your own [property]? You were bought with a price [you were actually purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own]. So then, honor and glorify God with your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, AMP)
We are now grafted into the olive tree of God's new covenant with Israel, washed and made clean by the blood of Jesus. Grace is now available to sinners, both Gentiles and Jews. As God's people we are called to live a holy life and not be whores because no whore or Sodomite (female or male) was allowed to live among them in Israel. A Sodomite was one who engaged in anal sexual intercourse. It is sexual perversion. In this context, God was telling them that they could not bring their offerings to God to fulfill their vows with the proceeds they got from their wickedness, their prostitute wages in other words. They should not think that bringing their offering to pay their vows to the Lord would give them leave to continue in their sin. They were not living honestly. Thus, their sacrifice would be an abomination to the Lord and therefore would be rejected.
Moreover, Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities destroyed by God who rained down burning sulphur for their wickedness (See Genesis 19:1-28). Their sin is not explicitly stated that provoked God, but Sodom and Gomorrah are often associated with sexual immorality and homosexuality. Men even tried to have sex with the angels God had sent to destroy the city. God rescued Lot and his family (Abraham's nephew) out of Sodom. Lot and his family were the only righteous people left in the cities but Lot's wife looked back at Sodom and its destruction and turned into a pillar of salt. She liked Sodom too much. Don't look back or go back to the sinful city, follow God.
Speaking of Sin City, Las Vegas is also notorious for being sinful like Sodom and Gomorrah and is also named Sin City because of its culture of gambling and it has a sinful reputation. It is known for gambling and luring people into a fake world selling themselves for money which is a sin. It is motivated by greed, lust, and the love of money and is predatory in nature, thereby stripping people of their financial assets, self-worth, dignity and value as human beings made in God's image. Important note: as a Christian, he
(the devil) wants to strip you of your authority and power in Christ. One lady who I worked with for a while, came from Miami and she had worked as a card dealer in Miami in a casino there for a season. She informed me that she saw people even lose their houses on the poker table. Marriages also were sacrificed on the poker table because of cheating and adultery in the casino. In fact, some husbands would actually prostitute their wives to feed their gambling addiction. Their mental health was also affected under the influence of this demon power. The lady colleague was so horrified by what she witnessed that she decided she would never work in a casino again. She stressed how it was bad for a person's mental health. It certainly alerted her to leave and never go back. Thus, the casino houses all sorts of criminals, fraudsters, and sex workers who are sick in their minds and morally deranged people. It is a house of uncleaness. This is also an abomination to the Lord because it is a spirit of prostitution that the Prophet Hosea speaks about:
My people consult their [lifeless] wooden idol, and their [diviner’s] wand gives them oracles. For a spirit of prostitution has led them astray [morally and spiritually], And they have played the prostitute, withdrawing themselves from their God. (Hosea 4:12, AMP).
I am currently in a battle with the devil about whoredoms and prostitution and the devil's witchcraft in the casino as the devil is trying to seduce me into being a whore in his whorehouse, the casino. The devil seeks to pull people away from God. Make no mistake about it, this gambling is of the devil. It is literally gambling your soul with the devil for easy money and cheap sex. Jesus made this very clear to me when I was praying for the one I love. I do not have a gambling addiction, I am God's child but someone I love does. He is at war with me because I am fighting for his soul. It is like the bible says, the spirit of the antichrist who is waging war against God's saints is against me. The devil persecutes the saints for following and obeying Christ. The devil is waging war against me because he wants to try to stop me from moving in God's healing anointing, stop me from praying and is also trying to wear me out. Ultimately, the enemy of my soul is trying to make me bow down to him, yes in a casino. Never! My allegiance is to Christ alone. He is also trying to steal my beloved one and the marriage partner's blessing, and the gift of God. The miracle that has my name on it. It is war. The antichrist or the beast (the devil) is lawless and wants to change the times and seasons and the laws. In my case, it is Satan who wants to give what belongs to me to a whore in a casino. Steal the one I love in other words using a hired prostitute. Therefore, the casino is no better than a whorehouse and it is full of pimps and prostitutes (male and female) and fake diviners and their witchcraft with their prostitute wages and these gamblers are ensnared by the devil but they do not know it. My purpose here is to expose the works of darkness that the prophet Daniel warns us of. It is the Beast, Daniel's name for the antichrist who is a man filled with Satan's evil power and will be revealed in the end time. The Prophet Daniel speaks of the emergence of the Beast:
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time..(Daniel 7:25 KJV)
I re-iterate, the reason I write this is that someone dear to me is caught in Satan's web of destruction in a gambling addiction. A gambling addiction is as destructive as a heroin addiction. The people around them also suffer and are victims of this abuse. It is idolatry. The addiction or idol they serve comes first. It naturally affects their mental health and causes suicidal thoughts and depression. If you have a loved one caught in this sin, pray for them. I read this quote on the Gambling Commission website:
New analysis shows problem gamblers are more likely than others to have suicidal thoughts, attempt suicide and to harm themselves. (
Doctors do not have a solution for suicidal thoughts, they will just offer medication to treat mental health but not deal with the real source of the suicidal thoughts and mental anguish of the compulsive gambler. They may provide anti-psychotic medicines, anti-depressants, or mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder. But all that medication does is mess with the chemicals in their brain. It is a temporary fix, not a cure. Jesus has the cure. Gambling addiction is also affecting their brain's reward system much like drugs or alcohol. When they win they are on a high, when they lose their mood is down. They may even turn to theft or fraud to support the losses endlessly chased. The problem is not natural it is spiritual. Spiritually speaking, the dark forces at work in a game of poker for example are occultic and is evident in the very meaning behind the cards if you can perceive it. For instance, did you know the playing card called 'King of Hearts' is known as the Suicide King? The picture on the card is of a king with a dagger through his head. I never realised this before. God gave me this revelation one day when I was seeking God how to pray for a loved one. You have to go after the source behind the addiction. It is a demon spirit. This is the very source of the suicidal thoughts that the person I am praying for has been experiencing. It is a demon spirit behind the suicide in a card game of poker! The King on the card is known as a hopeless romantic. Interpretation really means the devil breaks your heart in the casino and hence the suicidal thoughts come to make you end your life. I have also been affected by these thoughts on occasion in this warfare but merely as the casualty in the relationship with a gambler not as an addict. Jesus always comes in with the truth and hope for the future. It is a spirit of witchcraft at work. The devil wants to kill love. It is a lie. It is deception. It is about control. An evil principality in the bible is also known as a king. We read in Ephesians that the real struggle is spiritual:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:12, NIV)
Consequently, we have to get the keys from heaven to know how to unlock the prison doors and set the captives free from the demon power they are under. We have to go to heaven's court in intercessory prayer for their soul. This is special ops warfare to bind the strong man so that the person will be delivered from the demonic influences and freed from the addiction. Jesus came to set the captives free. This is God's healing power versus the spirit of the antichrist or witchcraft that operates in the casino. Beauty and the Beast no less. The beauty fights the beast (spirit of the antichrist) in the casino. In this case, the beast has a face. It is a poker face. You have to separate the person from the demonic influences and cast that demon out not counsel it. Jesus said this type of demon (deaf and mute spirit) can only come out by prayer.
He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer (Mark 9:29, NIV)
Christians are engaged in a holy war with the spirit of the antichrist (the beast). It is also the evil Jezebel spirit that seduces people into sexual immorality and idolatry and seeks to pull them away from God so that they do not receive their healing and miss the blessing of God. They do not grow up in their relationship with God. Their spiritual growth is stunted. Jezebel covets the authority of the prophetic anointing, so she silences the voice of the prophets and beheads them just like it happened with John the Baptist. I am a voice in the wilderness that Satan is trying to silence but it won't work. I am a lion who roars. The spirit of the antichrist wants to take Christ out of the equation, including in Christian marriage. God wants to heal marriages and relationships. Therefore, the spirit of the prophecy of God will defeat him just like the prophet Elijah who called down holy fire and brought a nation back to God, and slew 450 prophets of Baal (devil worshippers). Elijah said to the people of Israel, if God be God follow him. In 1 Kings 18, we read:
Elijah approached all the people and said, “How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people [of Israel] did not answer him [so much as] a word. (1 Kings 18:21, AMP).
Therefore, you must answer God with your 'yes 'and do not dither or hesitate between two opinions or you will be destroyed and miss it. God wants 100% commitment, not half-hearted devotion. Stop doubting God. He wants to make you whole. He wants your love. He wants you to know and receive his wonderful love for you personally. He wants you to choose him because you truly want him. He did not create robots he gave the man free will to choose the good or the bad. He sent Jesus to die for you as his proof of love. It wouldn't be true love if he did not give you the choice to choose between the Tree of Life (Jesus) or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Satan). There are two trees in the Garden of Eden. Choose God the one who loves you dearly and listen to his voice, not Satan's. Then your soul will be healed, saved, and rescued from the grip of the evil one, and your innocence restored. Paradise regained. Bow to Christ alone.
Furthermore, the dragon, that old serpent the devil wants to kill what God has birthed in me and you. The book of Revelation speaks of the dragon, the devil who is furious at the woman. The dragon, that old serpent the devil wants to kill what God has birthed in me.
So then the dragon was furious (enraged) at the woman, and he went away to wage war on the remainder of her descendants—[on those] who obey God’s commandments and who have the testimony of Jesus Christ [and adhere to it and [a]bear witness to Him]." (Revelation 12:17, AMPC)
Someone I love has a gambling addiction and has been illicit affairs. One with a woman gambler who is nothing more than a hired prostitute in the whorehouse, which is the casino. It is illegitimate and outside of God's covenant blessing. Therefore, it is antichrist. Let's face facts, in a casino it's all about cheap sex and easy money. Cheating is the name of the game. It is the devil cheating you out of God's real blessing and destiny for your life. The devil is a liar a thief and a murderer. There is no such thing as integrity and faithfulness in a casino. There is a distinct lack of trust or belief in God. This unrighteous path of gambling is the broad way, not the narrow way that leads to life. It is an enemy of the cross of Christ. It is a dead end. Casual affairs and debauchery are expected in a casino. It wrecks marriages. In this atmosphere of corruption, they do not see gambling or cheating on their spouse as wrong and are living dishonestly. But it is evil in the sight of the Lord. It is the allure of Satan using all the glitter and glamour and fake fortune to trap you in your sin. It is only a mirage, it is not true happiness or a God reality. It is all smoke and mirrors. It is fake happiness. True happiness is found in a relationship with Christ. This punishment of me by the devil (using an unfaithful spouse) is designed to manipulate me in order to get me to cave into the sexual demands coming from the whorehouse. I am to punish the devil by being faithful because the devil does not know what to do with those who are faithful to God. It confuses him. Keep a covenant with God regardless. I am a target because I am intent on advancing God's kingdom as God's woman, I am not a whore. My answer to him is to say, "Get lost, Satan," just like Jesus did. The devil is ticked that I belong to Jesus now and kicked him out of my life 34 years ago. He lost me forever. Therefore, I will not sit at Jezebel's table or bow to the devil, or succumb to the spirit of the antichrist. It would be like Judas who betrayed Jesus for money. So what is Satan trying to do? Use the one I love who is captive in the casino to hurt, betray, break, and wear me out. Use him as bait in other words to get me in the casino and off the path of life. But I am not falling for this deception. The game of poker in the casino is the face of evil. It is called poker face, the liar. The devil is a liar. Jesus wants to set the captives free with the truth.
Consequently, I must obey God and do what is right in his eyes, not man for good and rigjt things to happen. I pray for a godly outcome, and expected end and for God to turn a bad situation around. Keep treading those grapes in prayer. God saves the best wine until the last. We pray for God's will to be done on earth as in Heaven. We must stay in prayer like Mary and give birth to the good thing God has birthed in us by His Spirit; that which the devil is so furious about. One of those things is godly marriage, souls saved from the enemy's grip, and living righteously for God. The devil is a bully and God will fight for me because I am breaking a generational curse of bad marriages. Holiness rules. No whores are allowed in Israel, God's holy nation. God's people must be pure and chaste. Repent and sin no more JESUS says. He is inviting you to live a righteous life so he can bestow his blessings and favour upon you and your household and lavish you with his love as His bride.
In conclusion, even though sin abounds I believe by God's grace there will be a revival of holiness and the holy fear of God in the church (God's ekklesia) in these last days we are in and in the nations.
Selah (pause and think about that).
Send your holy fire God, to consume all that is not of you in our lives. Purify me also, and make me a vessel of your honour. Fill me afresh with your Holy Spirit and set me on fire with holy zeal for your house once again. AMEN.
Sharon, God's daughter.
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