Cities of refuge.

In  a lone  prayer meeting on my own with God, I was reading the book of Joshua about cities of refuge in the book of Joshua, chapter 20.  Praying for Leeds and Manchester and other cities you can add to the list to be just that. These cities were Levite cities (one being Hebron) and each city  had a high priest. Hebron means fellowship.  Interesting!  We are also priests (and judges) in our land.  Let our cities be cities of healing.  A city on a hill that is a beacon of hope to the lost and the hurting, particularly in this pandemic.  Here in chapter 20, we read Joshua received instructions from the Lord:

"The Lord said also to Joshua, Say to the Israelites,  Appoint among you cities of refuge, of which I spoke to you through Moses. That the slayer who kills anyone accidentally and unintentionally may flee there; and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood." (Joshua 20:1-2, Amplified classic). 
We see that God, even in his mercy and grace back then had provided a place of refuge for those guilty of casual, accidental murder by their hand but not in their heart. This is because it was in the "interest of the land that the blood of an innocent person, whose hand only was guilty but not in his heart, should not be shed, no, not by the avenger of blood." (Matthew Henry's commentary). Therefore, God provided for their safety and protection from danger in these appointed cities of refuge and they were free from arrests.

The parallel of this picture of Israel's cities of rest and refuge and security is that Christ is now our refuge, rest and repose, our strong tower.  Our heavenly place of safety and security, and our salvation. Especially in these days of a pandemic.  People are dying from the COVID disease but I am not connected to anyone personally who has died of it.  In him we are safe from danger, plagues and from the avenger of blood. Safe from Satan's evil schemes. The man slayer would have the privilege of a sanctuary.  He would be tried and acquitted by the law if it appeared that the murder was done purely by accident. He would dwell in the city of refuge until the death of the High Priest.  Then the man slayer would return to his own city.  Likewise, we as sinners, are acquitted by Jesus our High Priest.  There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (see Rom.8:1-2).  It is questionable I think about the current pandemic though. Is it an accidental cause of sickness and death or is it intentional?  🤔 In any case we are in the midst of it. But God is our refuge. 

It is interesting that I should open my bible to a chapter about murder!  The part that really struck me to the core is the fact that these cities were set apart and sanctified to protect innocent blood.  Another word for appoint is sanctify.  The land was sanctified,  made holy. Now for those who were intentional in murdering a man they were to be taken from the horns of God's altar and put to death under the law of Moses (see Exod.21:14). Matthew Henry's commentary says Christ is our altar, "who not only sanctifies the gift, but protects the giver."  As I read this, what immediately came to my mind shocked me.  It was an image of child sacrifice I had heard of in a Paedophile Satanic cult in the UK. A Church where babies were being killed in satanic sacrifices in Christ Church in Hampstead. A shocking expose I discovered.  Paedophilia and child sacrifice is on the increase worldwide.  This is done on altars of Satan hiding often in the church. Hiding behind religion.  What should have been a safe place for children was turned into a house of horrors. Children were being killed and sexually abused in Satanic sacrifices.  It is as is if this trajectory thought just interrupted my reading and praying. What is one thing really bothering God right now?   This is it.  The killing of these innocent children in the land. 😭 Innocent blood being shed by wilful murderers in these Satanic paedophile cults especially. I felt God's hot displeasure and  God was looking very stern about it!  Made me think of what is in the vaccine?  We don't know?  What I mean is that it had been mentioned by some, that the fetus of unborn children are being used in these vaccines.  All the more reason not to have it. This is food for thought.  Why don't they tell us what is in these vaccines?  Surely we have a right to know?  Consequently, I will not be taking the vaccine and I have a God who heals. 

On the positive side.  Yes I see where God has planted his priests and Kings in the earth (that is the true Christian Church or ekklesia), in order that we can pray, prophesy and intercede for the healing of the land.  May we lead with courage like Joshua and the princes did by appointing cities of refuge and sanctify our land with our prayers.  Covering it with the blood of Jesus to protect from the avenger of blood.  Jesus our High Priest was the ultimate sacrifice for our sin. He is holy. His sacrifice is the ultimate weapon against Satanic sacrifice in the earth today. Therefore, there is wonder-working  power in the celebration of the Communion with the Lord which we should taken often in prayer as a prophetic act by faith.  By applying the blood and bread of of Jesus to our lives we remind ourselves (and the devil) of what Jesus did on the cross for us through his sacrifice for our sins. The Communion represents his covenant towards us of healing and freedom from fear, so that we can boldly stand in God's holy presence.  That is because the blood of Jesus washes us as white as snow.  There is life in the blood of Jesus.

Some last thoughts.   I never thought I would be taken here by the Lord as I was praying and reading these scriptures. 🙏Praying that our cities become sanctuaries and places of healing and refuge and safe from the avenger of blood. Yes Lord, let your healing salvation roar in this land.  I do believe the healing ministry is a priestly anointing.  And we also have a kingly anointing to legislate and decree in the heavenlies in intercessory prayer.  To rule and reign on earth with King Jesus our High Priest.  In short, we can destroy the works of the evil one with our prayers and bring about divine intervention and justice in our land. Our land needs sanctifying and cleansing and healing of these wilful murders and abuse of innocent children. The land also needs delivering and healing of this curse of sickness and disease caused by the virus. The virus itself is not a threat as much as the evil minds that are behind it. The Lord showed me the devil himself wants to perpetuate a pandemic. The enemy wants to keep us in lockdown but Jesus came to set the captives free. We must pray for the healing of our land. This verse is what comes to mind:

"If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14, AMC). 

Consequently, evil agendas must  be stopped and reversed. Satan's agenda must be halted in Jesus name. May people find refuge and healing  in our cities.  God is our refuge. Our God will avenge!
NB. BIden supports  legalised abortions and has reversed Trump's policies of the 'gag rule,' whereby Biden will now support and unblock funding on this abortion issue. It was previously known as Obamacare!

Moreover, here is some scientific information I discovered about human cell ingredients used in the Oxford AstraZenaca vaccine:

HEK-293 cell line
The manufacturing process for the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine involves the production of a virus, the adenovirus, which carries the genetic material to the cells inside the body. To produce this virus in the laboratory, a “host” cell line is needed. The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine uses a cell line called HEK-293 cells. 

HEK-293 is the name given to a specific line of cells used in various scientific applications. The original cells were taken from the kidney of a legally aborted foetus in 1973. HEK-293 cells used nowadays are clones of those original cells, but are not themselves the cells of aborted babies.

The Department for Social Justice of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales released a statement addressing the use of HEK-293 cells in the COVID-19 vaccine. They say that “one may in good conscience and for a grave reason receive a vaccine sourced in this way”, and “that one does not sin by receiving the vaccine” (

I conclude, whether the cells are cloned or not it makes no difference, it orginates with the human cells of aborted babies. The Catholic Church must remember that murder is a sin.  Therefore I will leave you to ponder these facts and  examine your conscience before God on this issue. 
Good night 😴 God bless.
Peace to you all. ❤


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